Categorie: News

Tema Energy Participated at DCD London 2018

The most renowned event of the European DataCenter market took place last week in London, where Tema Energy attended DataCenterDynamics London 2018 to assess industry trends and prepare the upcoming edition of DataCenter Forum Romania. DCD 2018 approached four major topics:

  1. Digital Transformation (DX) and New Data Edge Edge,
  2. Being Data Center Energy Smart,
  3. Consolidating Infrastructure & Extending it’s Life and
  4. Data Center Diaspora, Living between On-Prem, Colo & Cloud.

The 2018 edition amounted over 100 hours of presentations, panel discussions, roundtables and workshops. Same as DataCenterForum Bucharest, Uptime Institute was one of the core partners of the event, along with the most reputable industry names: Vertiv, Schneider Electric, Ritual, ABB, Corning, Nexans, Cummins, etc. DCD London is part of a global tour with 24 events dedicated to the DataCenter industry and combining exhibitions, professional presentations and meetings to the same extent. The event was attended by over 1,700 professionals from 60 countries.



Tema Energy supports development programs for teenagers and children who are talented and passionate about technology. We …


The American Company Vertiv (former Emerson Network Power) and Tema Energy are consolidating their partnership for Data Cente…


Rittal, worldwide leader for racks, industrial and professional ventilation, electrical distribution and IT infrast…

Tema Energy – IEAS 2018 Partner

Tema Energy is going to participate for the first time within the International Electric & Automation Show, edition number 14, displaying a Mobile Data Center.

The modular, containerized Data Center, designed & engineered by Tema Energy in accordance with Tier III standards, encompasses most modern power back-up, air-conditioning, electrical installations, fire detection and extinguishing technologies, but also the highest standards in structured cabling and communications.

“For over ten years, the International Electric & Automation Show is a complete business experience, an environment for connectivity, development, and innovation where the most influential strategies are generated and new trends are built.”

Tema Energy is a leader in Romania in the execution field of turnkey Data Centers and a very good integrator of electromechanical and fire safety systems. With more than 16 years of practice, we are also one of the most experimented Data Center integrators and Power Supply systems, dedicated towards industrial and critical consumers.

We will be expecting you between the 18th and 20th of September at the House of Parliament for 3 days full of meetings, matchmakings, new business sessions and top management networking, along with other exhibitors like Rittal and Nexans. You can sign up here.


Tema Energy – Partener al iTECH FORUM 2017

1During the event organized by  Lasting Group at Timisoara, Tema Energy will present a Mobile Data Center.

The modular Data Center, designed and engineered by Tema Energy, incorporates the latest technologies in power back-up, air conditioning, electrical, fire detection and extinguihing , and the highest standards in structured cabling and communications.

The Mobile Data Center will also include IT hardware, networking and fiber-copper cabling in partnership with UNILINE TCS.

The event is organized by Lasting System Group in Timisoara,  between 11-13 October 2017 in the location Venue Ballroom & Event venue.

Among the sponsors of the event are also : Dell EMC, Fujitsu, Polycom, Eaton, NetApp, Barracuda, Targus.

DataCenter Forum 2017: Results above expectations

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DataCenter Forum 2017, the event organized by Tema Energy together with its local and international partners, recorded an audience of more than 400 data center specialists at its first edition. Built on an interactive structure that included 14 sessions of debates, presentations and workshops, as well as an extensive exhibition and networking space in which companies like APC by Schneider, ENERIA, Hoppecke, Leoch, Nexans, Pyralis, Riello, Rittal, Uniline TCS, Vertiv, etc. presented their products, the event also marked the first official presence of the Uptime Institute, a national premiere.





_MG_3163“The development of the local data center market and the maturity level reached by their customers make the DataCenter Forum an initiative not only welcome but especially necessary. Such an event was needed to bring together the world’s leading manufacturers and suppliers of equipment, systems and technologies dedicated to data centers and the Data Center and critical infrastructure specialists, operators, managers and developers in Romania. And the success of this first edition of the DataCenter Forum is confirmed by the large number of participants and exhibitors and by the “caliber” of partners who have supported Tema Energy initiatives, including APC, Vertiv, Nexans, Caterpillar, Rittal and others of this magnitude”, said Mihai Manole, Tema Energy Director, at the end of the event.



“Hot” Outlooks


The opinion above is further confirmed by the “hot” statements given by the participants to the first edition of the event:


  •  “Our presence in Romania is a premiere for the Uptime Institute, and the quality of the Tema Energy event and of our interactions was beyond expectations. We hosted two workshops within the forum, which addressed the main challenges of the data center industry, as well as a series of certifications tailored to the specifications of the Romanian market. I am sure that our presence at the DataCenter Forum helped local data centers find solutions to improve their operational efficiency.”

           Scott Roots, Business Development Director, Uptime Institute EMEA


  •  “The DataCenter Forum 2017 was an excellent opportunity for solution vendors to present their latest technologies and get in touch with the market. Nexans presented state-of-the-art solutions dedicated to new technologies in the area of structured cabling and fiber optics both during the exhibition and during the workshop sessions.”

           Silviu Ardeleanu, Business Development Manager Balkan Area, Nexans Cabling Solutions


  •  “Data is currently the most important resource for companies, and data centers must have the ability to protect their integrity and availability at the highest levels. The Tema Energy event provided us with the opportunity to present the most advanced power supply solutions in the ENERIA portfolio.”

           Mathias Ranson, Director, Eneria CAT Romania


  •  “We were pleased to note the high interest of the participants in the Vertiv solutions presented in the exhibition space at the DataCenter Forum 2017. Our presentation focused on new data center cooling technologies, which could be seen at work in the mobile Data Center exposed by Tema Energy.”

           Liviu Ploesteanu, Sales Manager, Thermal Management Romania and Moldova Vertiv


  •  “We have been able to bring the Rittal demo bus to the DataCenter Forum 2017, for the first time in Romania, which integrates the latest solutions of energy management, high precision cooling, physical security, etc. I consider such an event necessary because the market is evolving rapidly and the data centers need scalable solutions to meet new requirements.”

           Marius Totolici, IT Project Manager, Rittal


  •  “We presented during this first edition of the DataCenter Forum a practical battery selection guide for power-backup equipment, exemplified on the modular rack with batteries brought to the stand. We enjoyed the increased interest of the local market for the high quality and efficient solutions provided by Hoppecke.”

           Thomas Selzer, Sales Manager BU Reserve Power Central Europe, Hoppecke


  •  “Tema Energy’s initiative to organize such an event has been well received by the market right from the start. Pyralis introduced a suction fire detection system, a standard inert gas extinguishing solution, as well as a hybrid fire extinguishing system by total flooding with Novec 1230.”

           Mihai Sintie, Business Development Manager, Pyralis


  •  “The DataCenter Forum 2017 was the optimal opportunity to interact directly with current and future customers, to strengthen relations with the local APC partners, and to present the latest data center infrastructure management solutions. I hope that the future editions of the Tema Energy event will enjoy the same success.”

           Marcis Randa, Software Sales Manager Data Center Software Solutions, APC


  •  “DataCenter Forum has been a success starting with its first edition, and Tema Energy managed to organize the event very well. I have especially appreciated the presence of the Uptime Institute representatives who provided a series of useful information. I look forward to the next edition of the event.”

           Alecsandru Neacsu, Operations and Maintenance Manager, GTS Telecom



These expectations are justified and confirmed by Mihai Manole, CEO of Tema Energy:

“DataCenter Forum 2017 has been an excellent opportunity to celebrate the 15 years of activity of our company, but we want to duplicate this initiative at an ever increasing level in the coming years.”


So we will be waiting to see you again in a year, at the DataCenter Forum 2018.

ZF Live Interview – Mihai Manole, Tema Energy CEO, on the Evolution of Data Center Market in Romania

The debated topics in Ziarul Financiar Live interview were the need for power back-up, professional cooling solutions, the specificity of local Data Centers and DataCenter Forum event.

We look forward to discussing these topics together and at the DataCenter Forum on Thrusday, May 11!

Register free at

Inregistrati-va la primul workshop Uptime Institute organizat in Romania

Logo UptimeAsigurarea disponibilitatii si calitatii serviciilor furnizate 24×7 reprezinta “Prioritatea 0” a oricarui Data Center. Aceasta presupune un efort continuu de optimizare a proceselor de management si crestere a eficientei operationale. In premiera in Romania, specialistii Uptime Institute vor prezenta in cadrul DataCenter Forum 2017 o serie extinsa de bune practici, dezvoltate pe baza experientei acumulate in peste doua decenii de evaluare si certificare a centrelor de date.


Workshop-ul “Data Center Management & Operations Best Practice” sustinut de catre reprezentantii Uptime Institute ofera participantilor la evenimentul DataCenter Forum 2017 posibilitatea de a-si evalua eficienta operationala prin raportarea la cele mai ridicate standarde in domeniu. Cu o experienta de 24 de ani in evaluarea centrelor de date si cu aproape 900 de Data Centere certificate in 83 de tari, Uptime Institute reprezinta la momentul actual o autoritate in domeniu. Apreciata la nivel mondial pentru crearea si dezvoltrarea sistemului Tier Classification & Certifications, devenit un standard de facto al industriei, organizatia livreaza servicii de consultanta care permit centrelor de date sa-si atinga obiectivele de performanta si sa reduca riscurile. Expertiza si know-how-ul acumulate de specialistii Uptime Institute acopera intreg ciclul de viata al unui Data Center, de la etapele de design si constructie, pana la cele de operare si dezvoltare strategica, raspunzand celor mai exigente cerinte de disponibilitate si eficienta.

Abordarea promovata de Uptime Institute se bazeaza pe recunoasterea unicitatii fiecarui centru de date, atat la nivel de arhitectura, cat si al proceselor operationale si de management. Din postura de consultant independent, organizatia nu recomanda adoptia unor tehnologii specifice sau respectarea anumitor criterii de design, ci evalueaza intregul ansamblu prin prisma disponibilitatii, redundantei si eficientei cu care acesta raspunde cerintelor si asteptarilor operatorilor centrelor de date, dar si ale clientilor finali ai acestora.


Acces la expertiza internationala


Atingerea unui randament superior in operarea si managementul unui Data Center este greu de realizat doar printr-un proces de autoevaluare. Centrele de date reprezinta insa, prin definitie, un ecosistem inchis, protejat impotriva oricaror imixtiuni externe. Ceea ce anuleaza din start posibilitatea unei analize comparative.

Dar nu si pentru specialistii Uptime Institute care, furnizand servicii de consultanta pentru sute de Data Centere din intreaga lume, au putut evalua si analiza de-a lungul a peste 20 de ani cele mai eficace metode. Pe care le-au sintetizat in suite de proceduri si bune practici cu care veti putea lua contact direct, pentru prima oara in Romania, in cadrul evenimentului DataCenter Forum 2017.


Nu ratati oportunitatea de a afla ce solutii practice recomanda Uptime Institute si cum pot acestea acoperi cerintele specifice centrului de date pe care il operati sau pe care aveti in vedere sa il deschideti, si participati la evenimentul organizat pe 11 mai, la Crowne Plaza Bucuresti.


Pentru mai multe informatii despre eveniment, vizitati site-ul oficial:

We are expecting you on May 11th, at Data Center Forum 2017


For best information solutions and direct contact with equipment and solutions, Tema Energy will organize a one day event, exclusively dedicated to professionals and technologies from the data center field. Therefore, you are expected at Data Center Forum, on May 11th at Crowne Plaza Bucharest. Stay connected to the event through the associated site


Data Center Forum 2017 reunites 13 of the most relevant providers in the field, also partners of Tema Energy, exhibiting technologies dedicated to data centers on a surface of 550 sqm and shall debate the tendencies in this field during 15 presentation workshops. Uptime Institute, the organization which has globally defined the well-known Tier certification system, shall run, for the first time in Bucharest, the workshop „Data Center Management & Operations Best Practice“. Among the companies presenting during Data Center Forum 2017 shall be: Vertiv, Riello, APC by Schneider, Nexans, Caterpillar, Rittal, Uptime Institute USA, Hoppecke, Leoch, Pyralis, Toshiba, Carrier, Helinicksi Uniline.


We estimate that the local market for Data Centers, fix and mobile, is constantly developing, as surface, especially that the used technologies and operators need performance and efficiency. The Data Center Forum objective is to create a better connection between the employers and providers and to analyze the global tendencies from a practical perspective. This is the reason for which Uptime Institute decided to attend Data Center Forum 2017 with a workshop dedicated to good practices in the management and operation field. We propose to bring on the market a unique event, both by approach and technological diversity.


The Data Center Forum has solutions for all operational field of a Date Center, availability for operators and for the companies willing to manage their own infrastructure. You will be able to evaluate climate solutions, electro-supply (UPSs, batteries, generators), fire detection and extinguishing, security, communication and networking, IT equipment, monitoring and maintenance etc. In addition, Tema Energy shall display a mobile Data Center model, developed on an already used concept, by several Romanian private companies and public institutions.


Data Center Forum 2017 shall take place on May 11th, at Crowne Plaza Bucharest. Free entrance, based on invitation or registration on the website