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Alternative power supply for Star Transmission factories in Sebes

Alimentare-AlternativaTema Energy, a landmark company in the field of alternative electricity supply, has successfully completed the works on the development of a permanent power supply system (PSS) for Star Transmission, a Daimler Group company.

In December of last year, following a Europe-wide bid, the Romanian company Tema Energy was selected as an integrator of this solution for the Star Transmission-Daimler beneficiary. The contract included turn-key delivery of alternative power supply systems for the two production halls.

In order to ensure continued supply of the production lines and to avoid any outages, the company has implemented two PSS-type systems. The works involved the insertion, between the mains supply and the two mounting units of Star Transmission in Sebes, of high-power uninterrupted power systems (UPS), which prevent small grid outages (sometimes on the order of seconds), but also voltage spikes or sudden voltage drops. In the absence of such protective systems, the outages could cause great damage to the automated production lines, but also operational losses during downtime.

From a technical standpoint, the solution consisted of very high-capacity equipment – Generators, UPSs, but also numerous other auxiliary equipment and installations, including stationary batteries, electrical panels, climate controlled containers or electrical connections to the beneficiary’s installations.

The Star Transmission Company has, in Sebes, two operational mounting units of gear boxes for Mercedes-Benz passenger cars.

The Star Transmission – Daimler alternative power supply project is part of a series of major projects carried out by Tema Energy as an integrator, along with other works of this sort carried out for other major companies in Romania, in areas such as Medical, Telecom, Auto or IT.