Etichetă: power back-up

Tema Energy – IEAS 2018 Partner

Tema Energy is going to participate for the first time within the International Electric & Automation Show, edition number 14, displaying a Mobile Data Center.

The modular, containerized Data Center, designed & engineered by Tema Energy in accordance with Tier III standards, encompasses most modern power back-up, air-conditioning, electrical installations, fire detection and extinguishing technologies, but also the highest standards in structured cabling and communications.

“For over ten years, the International Electric & Automation Show is a complete business experience, an environment for connectivity, development, and innovation where the most influential strategies are generated and new trends are built.”

Tema Energy is a leader in Romania in the execution field of turnkey Data Centers and a very good integrator of electromechanical and fire safety systems. With more than 16 years of practice, we are also one of the most experimented Data Center integrators and Power Supply systems, dedicated towards industrial and critical consumers.

We will be expecting you between the 18th and 20th of September at the House of Parliament for 3 days full of meetings, matchmakings, new business sessions and top management networking, along with other exhibitors like Rittal and Nexans. You can sign up here.


Tema Energy – Partener al IEAS 2018

Tema Energy va participa pentru prima data in cadrul evenimentului International Electric & Automation Show, care se afla la editia a14-a, expunand un Data Center Mobil.

Data center-ul containerizat, modular, designed & engineered by Tema Energy conform standard Tier III, inglobeaza cele mai moderne tehnologii de power back-up, climatizare, instalatii electrice, detectie si stingere incendii, dar si cele mai inalte standarde in cablare structurata si comunicatii.

“De peste zece ani, IEAS constituie o experienta de business completa, un mediu de conexiune, dezvoltare si inovare in care sunt generate cele mai influente strategii si in care sunt construite noile trenduri.”

Tema Energy este lider in Romania in domeniul executiei de Data Centere la cheie si un foarte cunoscut integrator de sisteme electro-mecanice si de securitate la incendiu. Cu o vechime de peste 16 ani, suntem de asemenea unul dintre cei mai experimentati integratori de Data Centere si sisteme de tip Power Supply dedicate consumatorilor industriali si critici.

Va asteptam intre 18 si 20 septembrie la Palatul Parlamentului pentru 3 zile de intalniri, matchmaking, sesiuni de new business si top management networking, alaturi de alti expozanti precum Rittal si Nexans. Va puteti inscrie aici.